Officers from LNER police at Hull forced to retire by a new rule lowering the retirement age from 65 to 60.: Photo The Hull Daily Mail 17 September 1925 p6 Every day I count myself lucky for my police pension – especially in periods when other work is in short supply. I worry about the future of serving officers and their reduced pension opportunities and the requirement for everybody to work longer before we receive our state pensions. My interest in history reminds me that pensions have always been a source of campaigning for the police federations. From the very beginning, even in the aftermath of the defeats of the 1919 strikes, the police federations have campaigned for a decent pension for their members. The Railway Police Federation (now the BTP Federation) worked for decades for provision to be made for officers in retirement. My research into the history of specialist policing reminds me that the pension issue is linked to the que...